Tuesday, 14 February 2012


"Rumbles" and some squiggly lines. The fact that the traffic signs are on the left hand side of the road is unnerving enough, but "rumbles". Huh? Then the car rumbled! Ah ha, It was group of Mimi speed bumps. Across the road another sign said "Squeeze" Huh? The four lane road became a two lane road. Guess our version would be "Merge". Wifi shut down for most of one day. When it came back on my Mac Book Pro. iPad, and Droid phone were all left clueless. Today I took them to the Clinic to see if it was my machine, or the router or modems. A very clever patient spent the morning trying to get my "expletive deleted" wifi turned on. No luck. Later the iPad recovered. So here I am tapping away. Dr. Bethel said that my blood tests were all normal, except the sugar was a little high. It always is. Cholesterol,is fine, and that is controlled with diet. We are going to try an allergy skin test on that Vitamin infusion that the drug company in Canada says is made from corn - "but there is no corn antigens left after all of ate a processing". If that doesn't work we may try hydrogen peroxide. The deal is - the Vit C in the blood becomes hydrogen peroxide and a runs around and kills cancer cells. So why not just go with the hydrogen peroxide? I mentioned that an old lover said that I used so much Hydrogen Peroxide around the house, and that was why my hair was white. Never used it on my hair. Doc said that there might be some truth to that. It affects the color in the skin. A bit on a Q-tip, up your nose, really clears your sinuses and stops post nasal drip. And it is great as a mouthwash. Yesterday Was my first experience with the dreaded heat shock therapy. While lying on my back the nurse injects cells right under the skin so it looks like a blister. So she says,"I want you to.see this. My belly is a still a bit swollen from the breast removal, plus my normal belly fat. So lying on my back there was no way I could see into the crease between my leg and my body. If I still had breasts, it would have been even more difficult. A bigger shot of dendritic cells is then stabbed just below the first shot. Shots in the groin. Wish I had had a bikini wax job. Later, a very, very thin patient had the same shots. You could hear her scream two rooms away. She hasa very a little flesh. Sometimes it is good to have some body fat. Ten of my hostesses friends went out to dinner at Priate's Reef for a Valentines dinner. It was so crowded that it took three and a half hours. It's the first time using a public restroom to administer shots - three of them. I had eight today. Tomorrow my computer guru and I are going hiking to find some caverns to explore. He is a nurse with mesothelioma. A bunch of patients showed up Monday and today. Former patients here for a "tune-up". An Andre Botticelli look alike (I think - he had his eyes open) has Hodgkin's Lymphoma. He went through the program years ago, and then dropped out. He got so bad that he wasn't well enough to come here in Oct. He had some standard treatment until he was well enough to. travel. Oh, our dinner. What a hoot. Wine and beer for hours til the food arrived. The conversation was hilarious. One couple has 22 Chihuahuas. One of their neighbors won't let their dogs in their home. It was cold so they took all of his dogs into their house, but forgot to ask if the males were neutered. One toothless old dog wasn't. He had a great time, and now they have a bunch of new puppies. Did I mention my Coffee CIO cure? I'll read my posts. Man, I don't know how to cut and paste on the iPad. This is really stream of conscienceless and the currents carry me every which way. I need to get horizontal. This night person is getting up at 6 am every day. I really miss going to bed with Craig Ferguson. Later

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