Sunday, 19 February 2012

the Essence of Herbal

My late hubby suffered through chemo and radiation with the help of MJ. An oncologist said if we could find it, use it. In the middle of the winter of '92 I would get a wheel chair from the nurse, bundle him up, attach the IV chemo to the chair, wheel him outside to smoke some weed. It was the only thing that got him through the nausea, pain, and misery of traditional chemo. The Doc said that if he was allowed, he would prescribe it to all of his cancer patients. I stayed with Stan in the hospital, but when we got home I started baking it in brownies. Then he could eat, sleep, and live life. Dramatic difference in the quality of life.

Since then I have been checking it out. Patients have said - all of the long term survivors they know also used pot on a daily basis. Appetite is key to survival. Dr. Burton used to say that he never lost a "fat one". Now is not the time to lose weight. Thought I might loose my belly fat. Without my boobs I look a bit like TwiddleDee or TwiddleDum.

Arizona voters passed the Medical Marijuana Act and I got a "green card". I can legally possess two and a half ounces, and grow twelve plants in a locked closet. Then the Gov. closed the dispensaries. What's a gal to do?

I walked down 4th Ave. like a druggie looking for a fix, asking everyone that looked like they might know where I could buy some legal pot. Ended up potless and in tears.

It seems that Pot Clubs are legal and patients with green cards can obtain the herb from other patients. There are three clubs in Tucson. What a crock.

Didn't mean to rant, but if you have ever used pot, you know that you are not going to go pillage and plunder, you would be giggling, and eating too much, to bother. Or, even leave the house, for that matter. Or making love, or wishing you had someone to love. You just want to say, "Oh, God".

It certainly needs to legalized. The entire plant is useful. Farmers would benefit. They could sell it for hemp rope, fabric, paper, food, and a gazillion other products. High fructose corn syrup and other corn products will soon be banned, or forgotten. Corn won't be that valuable a product unless it used as fuel. Save the farmers. Cut our dependency on oil. Legalize pot!

Plop. Sound of Saltness jumping off of her soapbox.

Mahi-mahi, and pistachio cake at the yacht club - as the sun was setting over the water. Great fun. People left their pedigrees and pocket-books at the door, so mingling was great sport. Folks were from many US states, the UK, and the Bahamas. Idiot me - they were talking about Long Island, and I began talking about fishing off Long Island NY. It wasn't until later that I realized they were talking about an Island in the Bahamas. Duh?

Painting small is difficult. Big is better when it comes to oil painting. Standing and painting vertically with an easel is my vice of choice. However, small stuff fit in the suitcase. The pool became the model for an easel attempt at a small water color. After all, it was working with color. With marvelous weather and an ocean breeze the time stood still. When I paint I don't have a clue how long an hour is. I keep messing up the times on my shots. I had eight today.

My beeper just went off signaling the last shot of the day. Off I go..................

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