Sunday, 12 February 2012

My hair is turning grey while I am waiting for the wi-fi to load. Grin. Everyone on the island must be pecking on their computer. It is too cold and windy to do much else. Only the kiddos went outside today. At five this morning it was 30 degrees. There doesn't seem to be a furnace or heater, and the kids kept leaving the doors open. I will sleep with socks on tonight. It is just a quick rogue cold front from Florida. No biggie.

Ratsnose. It took so long to load that I have to go give myself a shot. My last shot of the day. Last week I had three shots a day, then Saturday I had five, and today eight. Back in a jiffy.

Harley followed me back to the computer. A Potcake dog, about the size of a lab, he is a charmer. Island dogs all look alike, but he is  larger than most. The dogs run loose. If you threw all of the dog breeds into a pot, out would come a "pot cake".  He is favoring his back leg, so I am practicing some Reiki on him. He keeps coming back and presenting his left flank for more touch d' touch, touch. My kinda dog.

Coming home, as we drove through the white iron gate we spied a large ripe avocado on the brick driveway. It looked delish.  Upon investigation it was only the peel and the pit. A raccoon had washed it in the pool, somehow managing to eat all of the good stuff and leaving it under the avocado tree looking pristine. The trickster. They are the only wild critters on the island.

Imagine this. Gigantic ginger roots cobbled together with reckless abandon. Add fern like leaves and eighteen inch hanging seed pods. They turn dark brown and look like half of a boomerang. This tree spreads out so far that it just can't be real. Looks like it is out of a fairy tale. It's a Poinciana. Love this place.

Tomorrow I start the Heat Shock Therapy. Two days a week you give yourself two shots - it may be twice a day?? The first shot is right under the skin. Later you give a shot of dendrite cells - that learn to recognize my cancer cells, then rush around the bod wrapping their tentacles around them and squash the little rascals.

The IV infusion of Vitamin C had to be cancelled because it was made from corn - manufactured in Canada. Because of my allergies we will have to get anti-oxidents some other way.  Cocoa powder, green tea extract, and turmeric are great sources.

It has only been six days of shots, but I am feeling much better already. I swear my skin looks younger, the loose skin above my eyes has tightened up and I notice a change in my nail beds.

The house was filled with Grandkids and Mothers today. Hamburgers, hot dogs and steaks were on the indoor grill. I was the lucky one and had left over vegetable lasagna. Mary Anne was married to an Italian and spent some time in Italy. This was the real deal. Yum! One layer had homemade tomato sauce, the next had béchamel. I love this place. 

1 comment:

  1. Saltness,
    So glad you made it to the Bahamas. You havn't said if you are doing any drawing/painting? I am sending all of my good wishes for a full recovery! Look forward to following your journey,
